

View referral requests

Click the “Referral Requests” link at the top of the page.

If you have not yet logged in, you will be prompted to login now. After entering your username and password, you will be redirected to the Referral Requests page.

The referral requests page lists all of your requests. By default, all of your requests for the current year are displayed. You can filter the list to show previous years or only show new/approved/rejected requests by using the dropdowns above the list.

The request status is displayed in the “Status” column. Requests that have been review will have either a red “X” for denied requests, or a green “✓” for approved requests. Requests that have not yet been reviewed will be blank.

The data in the “Child” and “Adult” columns are collapsible. For reviewed requests, the data will be collapsed by default. You can expand the fields by clicking the child’s name or expand/collapse all records by clicking the icon to the right of the year dropdown.

These fields are expanded by default for requests that have not been reviewed. You can expand/collapse all fields using the icon to the right of the year dropdown.

The data in the report is searchable using the search box above the table, can be reordered by dragging the column headers, or sorted by clicking the column header.

Create new referral

On the “Referral Requests” page, click the “New Referral” button above the report table.

Any field with a red asterisk is required. Please be sure to follow any directions on the form, especially the “Special Needs” field.

After the request is submitted it is reviewed by an administrator within a few business days. The administrator will contact you if they have any questions.

Referral notes

If the administrator has any questions they will contact you with a note attached to the request. If a referral has a note, a “document” icon is displayed in the leftmost column of the request table. You can view or create notes by clicking the arrow.

To create a new note, click the green plus sign. When the note is saved, the administrator is sent an email.

To generate a printable record of a referral, click the printer icon. This will generate a PDF containing the referral data.
